IL Cast

Name: Rachel (AKA: The one who draws the comic)
Location: Illinois (Used to be NC)
Bio: I COULD write some stuff here, but I have more
       stuff on the "About The Ginger" page. Go there,
       ya' creepers!

Name: Stuart (AKA: The boyfriend guy)
Location: Illinois       
Bio: Stuart currently works at a local fast food joint, but has big police officer-y dreams for his future. He loves Star Wars, Pokemon, nerd stuff, D&D, bunny rabbits, kittens, and other adorable things. Just don't tell him that I told you that last part.

Name: Stephen (AKA: That one really tall person)
Location: Illinois
Bio: Rachel met Stephen online, and then Stephen introduced her to Stuart. It's a touching story filled with awesome, but that's beside the point. Stephen kind of always keeps his 3DS on hand, and loves music. Also, he's going to be a dad or something, because that shit matters. D'AWWWW.

Name: Kate (AKA: The one who ruins childrens' lives)
Location: Illinois
Bio: Manga, anime, and other nerd stuff make Kate mega happy 'n stuff. She also likes to draw and do arts and crafts.

Also, she's not actually ruining the future of children. She's just going to be a teacher soon and I was trying to be funny. I'm sorry.                                                  

Name: James (AKA: The computer guy)
Location: Illinois
Bio: James and Kate ttly date 'n stuff. He's kind of a genius, but it's cool. No pointing and laughing allowed here. (Save that shit for when nobody's looking, ok?)

I'm still not funny. Don't actually make fun of James, please.

Name: Jake (AKA: The Bear)
Location: Illinois
Bio: Jake throws himself into games hardcore. He plays SWTOR, Magic: The Gathering (For some reason), D&D, and other stuff too long to list here.

I considered drawing him exclusively as a bear in the comic, but meh. Maybe if I get bored.